Rachel Myrie

Rachel Myrie
Rachel Myrie

Monday, August 18, 2014

How to Get that Six-Pack!

Photo Credit: Michael Taggart
When it comes to getting a six-pack it often seems impossible! How come it only seems like a select bunch of people sport these bad boys??? Is it because these people have more discipline? Do they follow an extreme diet and workout regime? Well, the answer is yes! But the good news is you can achieve a six-pack too!

So here's how...

1. Burn Fat
Most people are under the impression that if they do sit-ups and crunches they will get those elusive stomach muscle. But the truth is you have to cut your fat first! Why? You c an do crunches all day long but if you have layers of fat over the muscle you won't get the definition. So to solve this problem you have to get serious about cardio! This is what burns fat...2 Hours of cardio a day will greatly reduce fat! Once you burn fat then you can concentrate on crunches!

2. Reduce Calorie Intake Dramatically
I always thought this was common sense but a lot of people really do believe they can eat whatever they want and lose weight as long as they exercise. You can't have a shitty diet and expect to get results! So first you have to dramatically reduce your calorie intake to around 800-1000 if you want to see results. When trying to burn fat you have to burn more calories than you are consuming!

3. Change Your Diet
Another important detail is what your diet is made up of. You can reduce your calories but if you are eating junk food you will not have good results. So stock up on lean proteins such as baked chicken and fish. Learn to like vegetables because these guys are good for losing weight. Most of them will burn more calories than they contain which is a plus! And lastly fruit! These guys contain antioxidants and vitamins galore! So eat up!

4. Be Persistent
So many people start off strong and fizzle weeks into their new regime! To be honest if you want a six pack it takes effort, persistence, and dedication. It will not  happen overnight! So my advice to you is to stick to it. It's ok to have a cheat day we are all human and not perfect! So if you have to pick a day to cheat a little....that way you won't end up bingeing later on!

The steps are pretty simple my fellow workout friends! I understand life happens and sometimes we just want that brownie! That's ok once in a while, so don't beat yourself up too much!

Good luck and keep trucking along...

Signing Off

Tired and Sore

Rachel Myrie

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to make Bacon Cheese Hamburger Rotini

Photo Credit: Michael May
Are you tired of having the same old pasta meal every weekend? Are you looking for a new meal idea for your family but don't want to break the bank? Well, I've got the perfect meal for you! It's super easy and the ingredients are things that you more than likely already have in your fridge!

So friends here it is....Bacon Cheese Hamburger Rotini!

Here's what you'll need:

1 lbs. of Rotini noodles                                       
1 lbs. of Hamburger
1 package of Bacon
2 jars of cheese sauce( I used Double Cheddar Ragu) can be Prego or any other variety
1 lbs. of Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Like I said this is super easy so you can't mess it up!

1. You will put your entire pound of hamburger in a skillet set on med to high heat. Then you will cover it. Stir every 5 minutes.

2. Then you will put a pot of water on the stove, set to high heat. Once it starts boiling you will put your pound of Rotini noodles in and cook for 7-9 minutes.

3. Then you will take out your pack of bacon and cut into medium pieces. Once you have cut all the bacon up you will put it in with the hamburger. Cover and drain when needed.

4. Keep cooking until meat is slightly browned and is no longer pink inside. Drain the grease one final time. Remove from heat.

5. Next you will drain the rotini and put it back into the empty pot.
6. Then you will take the two jars of cheese sauce and combine with noodles. Once it is mixed completely you will put the 1lb bag of Sharp Cheddar Cheese in.

7. Stir and cook over a low to medium heat.

8. Now you will get a plate out and put a serving of the cheese noodles on it. Then you will top it with a serving of hamburger and bacon. You can mix or leave as is!

There you have it my fellow cooks! A simple tasty meal your family will love!

Signing Off

Creating and Cooking

Rachel Myrie

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Working Moms Vs. Stay At Home Moms (Which is Better?)

It's a question that's always asked...Are working moms better than stay at home moms? Do the children of working moms go without love and attention? Do the children of stay at home moms end up coddled and spoiled?

It's a decision that almost all moms have to make. So which is better?

Well here are the pros and cons of each....

Working Moms

 - Being able to financially support your family
 - More free time to yourself
 - Independence

 -Time spent with your children is limited.
 - Often your children will be left in someone else's care.
 - Your children may act out in hopes of getting your attention
 - Children are left to their own devices

Stay At Home Moms

 -Able to spend lots of time raising your children
 -Not having to pay for nanny/daycare expenses
 -Being present for your child's milestones
 -Able to maintain your household

 -Having to rely on a second source for income
 -Not having a lot of free time
 -More stress is placed on you

When people ask me which is better I always tell them that neither one is better than the other. I say this, because I have had the pleasure of being both a working mom and a stay at home mom and I have found that both have difficulties. I really do believe that as mothers and wives we have to do what is best for our families.

A hard truth is that the majority of the population has to return to work after birth due to financial issues and that choice is what benefits their family. Now if you are fortunate enough to afford to be a stay at home mom, then by all means do that... No matter what your decision is I strongly feel that a woman shouldn't be shamed for it. It is your choice and yours only...

Keep your head up and keep taking care of your family! :)

Signing Off

Loving My Family

Rachel Myrie

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How to Make Butter Roasted Potatoes (sausage optional)

It's that time of year when summer is sadly coming to a close and fall is fast approaching! Not only do the seasons change dramatically but so do our eating habits. Instead of eating light and healthy meals we make a switch to fattening and heavy foods. So it's no surprise that this week's dish is going to be Butter Roasted Potatoes with the option of sausage.

The good news is that this meal is so easy to make anyone can do it. It doesn't take any extra skill or time really...

So here's what you will need:

1 5lbs. bag of potatoes
3 sticks of butter
A long pan
2 packs of sausage(Optional)

1. First you will preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

2. Then you will peel all of your potatoes and cut them into four sections.

3. Next you will rinse the potatoes and put them into the long pan.

4. After you do this, you need to add three sticks of butter to the pan and potatoes.

5. Now you will put the pan in the oven and cook for 2 hours. Every 15 minutes you should check on the food and stir the contents.

Now if you decide to add sausage, you will have to cut the meat up and put in a separate dish. You will add the sausage to the pan after 2 hours. This is because the potatoes will take twice as long to cook and the meat will burn if put in all together.

6. After the potatoes have been in the oven for 2 and a half hours you will promptly remove them.

There it is folks...a basic butter roasted potato meal. Remember you can add salt or pepper for extra flavor.

So simple a child could do it!

Signing Off

Happy and Full

Rachel Myrie

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How to get that Bubble Butt!

Do you have a flat butt or even worse one that is non-existent? Have you often dreamed of having a big round ass but believed it was impossible for you?

Well guess what? It's not impossible....it's actually achievable! All it's going to take from you is the ability to commit to working out and eating right!

So if you want that "Bubble Butt" here's how you can achieve it!

1. Commit to achieving your butt! Pretty obvious I know...but you would be amazed how many people will give up on a goal in a matter of weeks! I'm going to be honest with you, achieving a butt is going to take time! It's going to take continuous training for months... not weeks! So stay positive and remember you have to put the time in to get results!

2. Adjust your diet! In order to achieve muscle gain you have to add a lot of protein to your diet! Protein helps build muscle and gives you tons of energy for the day. You will also need to reduce your calorie intake. I would suggest setting your intake to a 900-1000 calorie restriction. This will help minimize weight gain(fat).

3. Exercise to build up those butt muscles! You can't just wish for a butt you have to exercise for it! In order to increase you size you need to concentrate on workouts that specifically target your Glutes!
Exercises to try are Butt Bridges, Squats, Lunges, and Kick Backs. In order to really increase fullness, weight training is the way to go. When doing  any of these exercises you can add ankle weights or actual weights. Whenever I do squats or lunges, I add 20 pound weights! I have seen a significant increase in my results! That's coming from a girl who had no ass!

In closing, I want to tell all of you who may be struggling with getting that booty, that it is possible! It can be done and I am a prime example of this! If I can do it so can you. It just takes some time, dedication, and perseverance!

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Working to Maintain My Booty,

Rachel Myrie

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fat Loss: Cardio Vs. HIIT

I'm sure many of you have tried numerous diets and workout routines... but have they been successful? Have you spent hours doing cardio only to see little results? Have you considered trying HIIT but then decided not to, due to the high intensity?

This article is going to explore which method will help you lose weight the quickest!

Cardio Vs. HIIT( High-Intensity Interval Training)

Cardio is the most used method for weight loss. This is because anyone can do it. No weights are required and it is mindless low intensity activity. When you do cardio your body burns calories while it is active. Calories will not be burned after you stop running on the treadmill, this is because there is very little Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). 

So the con of cardio is that you only burn calories while you are exercising. This leaves a lot of room for diet mess ups!

The pro of cardio is that it is very low impact. This means that you can go for hours everyday and not get worn out. You control how much you burn!

HIIT is way more effective than cardio when it comes to burning fat! When you do HIIT your body and your metabolism function at a higher rate of calories for hours afterwards. Thus, meaning you can burn calories while you are sitting on your ass reading a book! Sounds pretty good, huh?

This is possible because this type of workout forces your heart to adjust to changing conditions. This includes: sprinting, jumping, jogging, going up hills and more!

The only problem is that your body can only handle so much of this! Most people can only complete 30 to 40 minutes of this kind of training. This is perhaps why most people opt for cardio!

In conclusion, HIIT is the best method for losing body fat quick! Its high intensity and you will continue to burn calories long after your workout is over. However, if you don't want to do this type of workout all the time, you can incorporate cardio as well.

As with anything, it doesn't matter how much you exercise. If your diet is shit you won't accomplish any weight loss. You can't have a bad diet and expect to see results! So remember, to eat clean! This is the key to success!

Signing Off,

Rachel Myrie