Rachel Myrie

Rachel Myrie
Rachel Myrie

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fat Loss: Cardio Vs. HIIT

I'm sure many of you have tried numerous diets and workout routines... but have they been successful? Have you spent hours doing cardio only to see little results? Have you considered trying HIIT but then decided not to, due to the high intensity?

This article is going to explore which method will help you lose weight the quickest!

Cardio Vs. HIIT( High-Intensity Interval Training)

Cardio is the most used method for weight loss. This is because anyone can do it. No weights are required and it is mindless low intensity activity. When you do cardio your body burns calories while it is active. Calories will not be burned after you stop running on the treadmill, this is because there is very little Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). 

So the con of cardio is that you only burn calories while you are exercising. This leaves a lot of room for diet mess ups!

The pro of cardio is that it is very low impact. This means that you can go for hours everyday and not get worn out. You control how much you burn!

HIIT is way more effective than cardio when it comes to burning fat! When you do HIIT your body and your metabolism function at a higher rate of calories for hours afterwards. Thus, meaning you can burn calories while you are sitting on your ass reading a book! Sounds pretty good, huh?

This is possible because this type of workout forces your heart to adjust to changing conditions. This includes: sprinting, jumping, jogging, going up hills and more!

The only problem is that your body can only handle so much of this! Most people can only complete 30 to 40 minutes of this kind of training. This is perhaps why most people opt for cardio!

In conclusion, HIIT is the best method for losing body fat quick! Its high intensity and you will continue to burn calories long after your workout is over. However, if you don't want to do this type of workout all the time, you can incorporate cardio as well.

As with anything, it doesn't matter how much you exercise. If your diet is shit you won't accomplish any weight loss. You can't have a bad diet and expect to see results! So remember, to eat clean! This is the key to success!

Signing Off,

Rachel Myrie

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