Rachel Myrie

Rachel Myrie
Rachel Myrie

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

6 Signs You Are In Love

Have you ever wondered if you were truly in love? Did you catch yourself wondering about the many issues that were present in your  relationship? Will your partner remain faithful? Will they love you unconditionally? Will they support you in any future decisions? These are all common concerns that we may often have.

Being sure that you are truly "In Love" with someone can be a difficult task, especially if it is your first time...

Never fear! Rachel Myrie is here!

So here are my six signs that you are in love!

1. You have forgotten about your ex...
Believe it or not this is a key indicator. Often times after a bad breakup we feel depressed and wonder if it was a good decision. Sometimes it seems that you just can't stop thinking about your ex!
However, when you meet the right individual, your ex becomes a thing of the past! Leaving you totally consumed with your new partner.

2. You love spending time together...
This is a very good indicator of love simply because you have no interest in spending all your free time with other people. If this person was only in the friend zone, you would be inclined to spend some time with them but not make it a priority.

3. You start thinking about your future together...
Do you catch yourself thinking about growing old with your partner? Do see yourself having children with this person? If so you are definitely in love. You have been with your partner for a while and see them as a dependable and lovable person. Thus making you ready to commit!

4. You can be yourself with your partner and be comfortable...
I know this is kind of obvious but you would be surprised by how many people ignore this! Do you feel like you can let your hair down so to speak? Do you feel comfortable being the real you around this person? If you answered yes, then you are in Love.
So many people won't let their partners see them in compromising situations, let alone see them before they are put together. Being in love with someone enables you to accept them as they are and break down any barriers you might have!

5. When you have arguments you always make up relatively quick..

When you get into an argument, do you stay mad for days? Do you storm out in a fit of rage? If this is you, its probably not love. Often times if we truly care for someone we will find a way to make up after a bad argument. This is because you love that person, and want to do anything to have them in your life. You are even willing to admit when you are wrong!

6. You start to love your partners little quirks...
You know you've found the right person when you fall in love with all their little quirks. You catch yourself liking how your partner always wears their shoes in the house! Or perhaps how they eat their food. These are all things that your partner does that makes them unique! And you love every minute of it!

So my friends if you are seeing three or more of these signs, then you are in LOVE!

Don't try to fight it or deny it...just go with it! Take a chance on that person! You just might surprise yourself!

Signing off,

Hopelessly in Love,Myrie

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