Finding someone to spend the rest of our lives with can be a daunting task. Sometimes you spend so much time trying to perfect yourself, in order to catch the eye of the other sex. But what happens when we lose touch with who we really are? We wind up obsessing over our body image, what others think of us, and most importantly hating our imperfections.
So my friends I have to ask you, "Do you love yourself?"
Are you in relationships that doesn't support or respect you?
If you are, then you are not loving yourself!
You should only have relationships that are fulfilling and rewarding. The relationships that you have should not degrade or drain you. If you are subjecting yourself to negative people then you are only doing harm to your well-being. Love yourself enough to set boundaries!
Are you overcritical of yourself?
If you spend more time criticizing yourself then you do appreciating yourself you have a problem. Placing too much pressure on yourself to succeed can cause for an even bigger let down. Focus on your strengths and remember that progress takes time. Always remember that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes!
Do you treat your body poorly?
If you answered yes, then you need to STOP! Your body is your temple, it should be treated as such. In order to treat your body right, you have to quit overworking and overfeeding it. Make sure to slow down a little! Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep and quit feeding your body JUNK! Start introducing whole fresh foods and replace each soda with a glass of water! I promise you will feel so much better!
Do you sacrifice your own dreams, ambitions, and happiness just to please others?
First of all, you should never give up what you want in life just to please others. If they don't understand or support what you want to do, then that is their problem. You do not live to please other people. Follow your dreams and do what makes you happy. You only have one life, so LIVE IT!
I understand that we as women often forget to simply love ourselves! We spend so much time raising children, loving our husbands, and working that we often lose ourselves. Don't let this happen! Realize that you are special and most importantly
that you are loved!
Signing Off
Loved and Cherished
Rachel Myrie
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