Rachel Myrie

Rachel Myrie
Rachel Myrie

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What Kind of Lover are You?

Have you ever wondered what kind of lover you are? Have you felt like a hopeless romantic at times or like a selfish jerk? Have you had past lovers tell you they loved you but felt like the relationship just wasn't for them? How did you feel? I bet you probably wanted to know what was wrong with you or the relationship.

A lot of times our lovers clam up and don't want to tell us what it is exactly that they want in the bedroom. When this happens we as people don't know what to do.

Well I've got the answer to your problem. It's quite simple really...You need to know what kind of lover YOU are! If you know what kind of lover you are, you will be able to find a compatible mate and work on whatever it is that is lacking!

So here it is boys and girls! A simple quiz that will be quite beneficial to you.

Your lover is sick with the flu and you...
A Call off work just to spend the day with them
B Call them to check up on them and then continue about your day
C Tell them you hope they get better because you have a movie to catch later on
D Spend all day with them and play personal servant
E Spend some time with them and leave later for a secret rendezvous

Your lover has gained some weight and can't fit into their clothes you...
A Tell them you love them no matter what their weight is
B Look dumbfounded and don't say anything
C Tell them they are too fat and need to lose weight because its embarrassing
D Tell them they are hot because that's what they want
E Tell them whatever it takes as long as you make it home to watch your favorite show

Your lover comes home and catches you having sex with another person you...
A Tell them you are sorry and that they are your true soul mate
B Stop what you are doing and remain motionless in hopes of them not seeing you
C Keep having sex...after all you haven't finished yet
D Stop what you are doing and beg for forgiveness even though they have cheated as well
E Stop what you are doing and say this person is an actor and you were practicing for a role

You come home and catch your lover having sex with someone else you...
A Start crying uncontrollably while you remain desperately confused
B Look startled and leave the room
C Become filled with rage and beat the shit out of the other person
D Apologize for walking in on them and leave in tears
E Start laughing and call up your side bitch

You and your lover are having sex when they ask you to perform oral you...
A Smile and tell them that their wish is your command
B Stop what you are doing and look repulsed
C Tell them you don't do that
D Do what they ask even though you find it disgusting
E Tell them you will only after getting what you want first

Are you ready for the results?

Well if you answered A to three or more questions you are a Romantic. This type of lover is one of those that is in love with being in love. You love expressing love to your partner and will do anything to please them. You are an outgoing and caring person that loves to have someone to share life with.

If you answered B to three or more questions you are a dumbass! This means that you have no idea what you are doing in a relationship. You don't have any common sense and are just in it to get laid. Don't expect to ever have a long term successful relationship if you are one of these people. So when you are getting dumped and the person says you are the problem...they mean it!

If you answered C to three or more questions you are a selfish lover. This means that you only think about yourself and your wants. You will always have unsuccessful relationships if you continue to be all about you! Not to mention you will leave a trail of broken hearts in your wake. My advice to you is to shape up and think about the bigger picture!

If you answered D to three or more questions you are a giver. This can be a great quality but it can also be bad. You are prone to being a doormat and will do whatever that person wants. You will do anything and everything that is asked of you and you will expect little to nothing in return. My advice is to not be too giving...too many people will take advantage of you!

If you answered E to three or more questions you are a player! You will never be satisfied with any one person...You are constantly looking for the next best thing and will do anything to obtain it. You my friend, will be one lonely and unhappy person because nothing will ever be good enough.
Not only will you remain alone but you will leave a history of bitter and angry partners...Is that how you want to live your life?

Now that you know what kind of lover you are spend some time thinking about what kind of person is compatible with you. If you are one of the less desirable lovers I suggest you start working on ways to improve yourself.

If you fell into the dumbass category I would recommend reading relationships for Dummies! Once you have finished read it again!

If you are a Player you really need to change your ways! In order for you to have a successful relationship you have to learn some morals...

And lastly if you fall into the selfish category, you really should realize that the world doesn't revolve around you. Once you do this you will be much better off!

Signing Off

Rachel Myrie

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